Archive for March 10, 2007

Empowered Or Impotent…?

March 8 2007 was the international women’s day,
it coincides with the memory of a huge protest march in the US organized by women who were factory workers,in the streets of new york,March 8 1857,to protest against low wages and harsh work environment.

Others think the Annual celebration of women achievements year after year started after another huge protest march, Feb. 28 1909 organized by women who were Communist Activists demanding the right to vote,also in the US, and in Europe.

Despite the great achievements by/for women,A lot of people (men / women) think that women (All over the world,Even in the most DEVELOPED countries) still suffer from some sort of prejudice and discrimination to this day.

The past wasn’t so bright,the present is better and is filled with hope for a brighter future,in order to make women feel more EMPOWERED than IMPOTENT.