Archive for March 27, 2007

A Freak !

Thanx to all of you for your lovely letters and comments,I was only away for the past couple of days because of a tiny accident,nothing serious,and some trouble with my internet connection,you know ..besides the usual work which may become overwhelming at times,thank God I love it !

I was practically trapped in the hospital(that I work in)for two days,friends wanted to be extra sure I was ok,and it all started friday morning when I realized that sth.went wrong with my net connection so I called the company providing me with the service and thought I should stop by(and take my friend with me) on my way to work as it’s in the same direction.

The company office looked creepy…and as I walked in…I didn’t see anyone and thought…(is that when I’m supposed to say who’s there and then sth.spooky happens?)an extra cheery secretary(not the one I’m friends with)welcomed us thinking we were new customers,and when I explained the purpose of the visit she said that we should wait for the manager and took a nap on her desk !I wanted to snap that twiggy into little twigs because it was like catching a teletubby dead in a haunted guarage ! I shook her and calmly asked her if the man who was just parking his car was the manager and she said oooh yes he’s that handsome devil who lights up the place..oookay..long story short,he tried to convince me to pay extra cash for some lame offers,told him to let it go as it was starting to make him look old,didn’t like that and said that they need5days to figure it out,my very good friend(not a big fan of the internet)thought it was ok as I needed to give it a rest and join the real world,(I know you hate that I’m great with machines but at least don’t root for the other team),told him..well..let’s never keep in touch,got out and headed for work.

A small car door accident left my thump joint dislocated(not blaming anyone one=my very good friend riding with me),and a faint at the reception later…,
a bride of chucky for a nurse was asking me as I was coming out of it if I prefered clicky tops or twisty bottoms(ink pens)to fill my questionnaire?!and then asked me if the white lab.coat made her look fat ! black is more they come in other colours?!tried to be nice and told her to try to clear her head(which won’t be so hard)and that the pinky sparkly pen was cool and that she(an internship rookie)should fill that quest.herself as a pop quiz !

My friends were great and had fun with you need a bobo cream for your ouchy..hahaha not so much..,and didn’t let me go untill they x-rayed the hand like10times before cast and another 10 after,took some tests(there was a tiny drop of blood)and gave me 2days off for follow up and further tests.

Now The cast is off,a sling is on,back to work,couldn’t find a way to fire(or set on fire if possiple according to terms of internship)
that rookie who gave me sth.that food eats as comfort food when I needed it the know I have and rusty to give you...…and if I cut the tendons behind her knees..she won’t be able to run away…. well..she needs help and may be I can do sth.about it,after all we’re here to help others but only God knows why others are here !!